Governors play a vital role at the Willows Primary School. Formally, we have three key roles: strategic input to support Mrs Warren, the headteacher, in her leadership role for the Willows; a focus on the attainment and progress of all children, ensuring that education and learning meet the needs of all; and finally oversight over the efficient and effective use of financial and other resources. Most importantly, we agree the annual budget for the School and thus have a direct influence over what the resources are spent on.
The Governors have a wealth of experience, knowledge and skills that we use to support school. We have a formal constitution and the board is made up of representatives from parents (3), the head teacher (1), staff (1) and the local authority (1), who are working together with our co-opted governors (5), all acting in the interest of the Willows Primary School. None of the Governors can act on their own, not does any Governor represent a particular point of view or group within the Willows. There is a total of 11 Governors on our Board.
We meet three times a year and have three committees to support our work. The committees mirror our roles, covering Finance and Personnel, the Curriculum, and Health and Safety. The Committees meet more often and allow individual governors to develop areas of expertise and/or use their skills and experience. To support the delivery of the School Development Plan, we pair up with staff to develop expertise on curriculum development; SEND and pupil premium; Early Years Foundation Stage; and Safeguarding
You can contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Michaela Pashley or any other governor via Mrs Warren and/or the School Office.