Welcome to the Willows PTA. Every parent/carer who joins The Willows is automatically a member of the PTA, so it would be lovely if you could become involved in some way, whether this is joining one of our sub committee's, organising events (all new fundraising ideas very welcome), match funding, donating prizes, helping out at events - whether that is before the event, during or after. If you can donate a small amount of your time we would really love to hear from you.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or visit here to find out the latest information.
If you need any further information or would just like a chat, please contact Jo Jeffery, Chair of the PTA at joannejeffery2@googlemail.com.
Amount Raised so far for this Academic Year (2023/2024)
Approximately: £10,951
PTA Committee 2023 - 2024
Chair - Joanne Jeffery
Co Treasurer – Pete Carway & Martyn Brown
Assistant Treasurers - Willa Cookson, Jemma Simmonds
Secretary - Selina Dooley
Next Meeting:
We are thrilled to have received a donation of scooter accessories from Micro Scooters. Renowned for revolutionising the school run, Micro Scooters make getting from A-B quicker, cleaner, greener, healthier, and more fun.